Thomas Palm from & teams up with Leif Tufvesson from Caresto AB to be able to contribute with yet another tire design to the open source OpenR/C Formula 1 project by Daniel Norée.
Leif is restoring classic cars as well as designing and building Hot Rods, sports cars and special really unique cars. With a background as a technician at Volvo Research and Development Department in Gothenburg and then six years with development at Koenigsegg, he decided to spend all his time with his own company and to develop and manufacture his own cars in small series. Check him out here:
This tire design is based on Leif Tufvesson´s tires from the HOT ROD JAKOB (and also the color scheme of the OpenR/C Formula 1 as you can see below).
Check out the free 3D printing files here
The license ( ) gives you the chance to use these tires commercially as long as you give appropriate credit, please respect that or you risk to dramatically lower the chances for new free content in the future!
P.S. Very soon you will be flabbergasted when seeing Caresto´s next build! Palmiga Innovation had the privilege to deliver 3 pieces of flexible 3D prints to that project.
“To be part of such a fantastic project is a once in a lifetime experience (but one can always hope for more;)”
Stay tuned!
Kind Regards
Thomas Palm –