Consulting firm within
• Product Development • Mechanical Design • Project Managment • 3D-Printing • 3D-Scanning • Webdesign •
My name is Thomas Palm,
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tp @ palmiga . com
I am a Swede living in the south of Sweden close to the west coast. If you are familiar with the area, I live in the village Jonstorp close to Höganäs and the beautiful Kullaberg, Mölle, Arild etc.
A tiny bit of history:
My title during working hours used to be the very long: “People and Program Manager, Product development & Test Equipment”, Product Innovation department. Together with my 2 great teams I helped to develop high-tech dedicated analytical solutions for quality control globally, within the areas: agricultural, food, pharmacy and chemical. Prior to that title I designed many instruments as a mechanical engineer. I´m deeply grateful for the experience I have gained during the 23 years of developing high tech analytical instruments. Especially enjoyed getting to know all the colleagues and growing personal friends both internally and during travel to for instance China/Italy/Hungary/Denmark and Estonia. FOSS closed down the successful plant in Sweden in the end of 2015, making a strategic decision keeping only the Danish & Chinese plants, thus I needed to make a life changing decision. I was generously offered to continue working for FOSS based in Denmark but after carefull consideration I decided to start my own business instead. I felt a need to try that adventure to broaden my horizon and I´m glad I did.
Besides my daytime job, back in the beginning of 2003, I started my own weekend/evening business to be able to work officially with some web page design, inventing, mechanical design, architectural work, 3D visualizations, photography, publishing a book, see my book on Amazon… and obviously working within 3D printing (especially rubber-like materials
A long time ago I also co-founded Varm Bris AB to sell “fäktkonvektorer” fan radiators to help lowering the energy needed to warm our houses. Note: I left Varm Bris AB in 2015 to focus more on my other activities.
In my youth I used to ride a powerful motorcycle, enjoyed travel and did some scuba diving and boat-life. Focuses changed a bit and among other things I imported a less powerful electrical motorcycle from China and settled for that some years. Now a new motorcycle, boat-life etc is back again and when possible I enjoy sharing experiences with my wonderful son.
I’m a hands-on person that, for my hole life, always have had something technical to build, repair, fix, invent or work with, I like diversity. I have a tendency to push myself to think outside the box in most areas, thus a few patents and design protections have been set in motion both for my old employer and for customers.
I also have a very keen interest for personal development, that work has been truly life changing and very rewarding! I warmly recommend all to try some personal development, you wont regret it. Dare to fall – Learn to fly ;) If you are curious about what I can do… check out
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Kind Regards
Thomas Palm
Owner, Inventor, Senior Product Developer & Personal Leadership Coach
Palmiga Innovation AB